Into the Bog
The 'MAGICIANS' series follows giant half-living beings, empty magical husks of unknown origin with no logic nor society around them. Each one of them lives on a desolate land, remote from the others.
The Bog Mage wanders around aimlessly and looks for a meaning in everything. Some time ago he got lost in the swamps. The swamps are a dynamic territory which is constantly changing, where the bog man can't gather his thoughts. He is wandering around slowly, calculating every step. His attention is always occupied by the altering environment around him.
PRINT: Giclée Print on Hahnemühle German Etching
SIZE: 30.6 x 30.6 cm (12.0 x 12.0 inches)
The 'MAGICIANS' series follows giant half-living beings, empty magical husks of unknown origin with no logic nor society around them. Each one of them lives on a desolate land, remote from the others.
The Bog Mage wanders around aimlessly and looks for a meaning in everything. Some time ago he got lost in the swamps. The swamps are a dynamic territory which is constantly changing, where the bog man can't gather his thoughts. He is wandering around slowly, calculating every step. His attention is always occupied by the altering environment around him.
PRINT: Giclée Print on Hahnemühle German Etching
SIZE: 30.6 x 30.6 cm (12.0 x 12.0 inches)
The 'MAGICIANS' series follows giant half-living beings, empty magical husks of unknown origin with no logic nor society around them. Each one of them lives on a desolate land, remote from the others.
The Bog Mage wanders around aimlessly and looks for a meaning in everything. Some time ago he got lost in the swamps. The swamps are a dynamic territory which is constantly changing, where the bog man can't gather his thoughts. He is wandering around slowly, calculating every step. His attention is always occupied by the altering environment around him.
PRINT: Giclée Print on Hahnemühle German Etching
SIZE: 30.6 x 30.6 cm (12.0 x 12.0 inches)